M&A Deals | SI Global

WARL Group Sold Chime Communications plc | SI Global

Written by Nicole Revers | May 15, 2013 4:01:00 PM

Chime Communications acquired WARL Group, a London-based specialist retail creative agency.

With a significant blue-chip client base including Diageo, Tesco, United Biscuits, Danone, McArthurGlen, Coca Cola and Samsung, WARL brings specialist retail and shopper marketing skills to the VCCP Partnership (owned by Chime Communications).

"SI Partners worked closely with us for some time prior to the transaction, advising on how best to grow our business and build the appropriate structure and processes. Of their many valuable inputs we were perhaps most impressed by the level of cultural fit they helped us to achieve. Like any agency of our size we have a close knit team and strong working culture, both of which we were eager to protect.

It can be easy to see the technical and commercial aspects as the dominant parts of a transaction, but Tristan never lost sight of the human element and regularly drew upon his personal experience of M&A to help us identify a partner who offered a very strong character fit for our agency. This was ultimately a hugely important factor in our final decision and has proven invaluable in the initial stages of our relationship".

Kerry Bateman, WARL Group