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"Innovate or Die" Global Industry Conference – Hong Kong

Written by Nicole Revers | 11 July 2014

Charles Fallon and Alistair Angus debated the challenges to growth in the PR, advertising and creative industries at the global industry conference


With the aim of thinking & behaving differently, Charles delivered an interactive presentation and workshop which discussed challenges to growth and how these challenges become opportunities.   Charles also considered what a successful agency looks like and how agencies can think and behave differently by challenging themselves, their talent and their clients to achieve growth.


The biggest challenges to growth and how these challenges become opportunities

At the heart of all successful agencies is a relentless desire to be creative and innovate.  This is achieved through strong values and culture and by challenging yourself and your clients.


In a constantly developing marketplace it is important to know how to stay relevant and capitalise on the most influential disruptions and trends.  It is also important to understand how to turn challenges such as globalisation, competition for talent, social and big data into opportunities for growth.


Thinking and behaving differently: three challenges for growth

  • You – how can you be a better leader?
  • Talent – how can you attract, retain and get the most from your people?
  • Client – how can you build more profitable client relationships?


Challenge 1: You – Investing in being a better leader

When looking to grow from a boutique business, the leadership challenge is shifting from a founder to a leader.  Successful agencies are driven by leaders who have a clear culture, effective succession plan, and use outside influences to challenge behaviour.

Watch the video here:

Challenge 2: Talent – The biggest issue

Talent development is one of the major challenges for growth.  Successful agencies excel at instilling a strong culture, profiling and developing talent propositions and investing in their people.

Hear what Charles advises here:

Challenge 3: Client – Building more profitable relationships

Growth can put pressure on margins and procurement.  Moreover, moving from retainer to project based work is often a demanding process.  Successful agencies split delivery and strategy projects, carefully assess their pricing models and carefully select the right clients to grow with.


Hear more about building more profitable client relationships here: